วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

GDACS Daily Newsletter for 5/17/2012


Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System — Newsletter 17/05/2012

This daily newsletter provides an overview of the natural disasters that happened in the last 24 hours and response measures for ongoing disasters. GDACS currently covers earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical cyclones, volcanic eruptions and floods. The color coding (red, orange, green) is related to the estimated humanitarian impact of the event.


Disaster events in the last 24 hours

GDACS detected the following potential disasters. For up-to-date media coverage, latest maps and ReliefWeb content related to these disasters, please go to GDACS homepage.


No entries for this file

Current tropical cyclones (source JRC and Pacific Disaster Center)


Automatic impact report (JRC)
capALETTA-12 in EastPacific
PDC—17 May 2012new


Tropical Storm ALETTA-12 affected few people with winds above 39mph (63 km/h) and few people with hurricane wind strengths (74mph or 119 km/h). In addition, few people are living in coastal areas below 5m and can therefore be affected by storm surge.

Discussions in Virtual OSOCC

The GDACS Virtual OSOCC is a forum for emergency managers. If you are involved in an ongoing emergency as a local emergency management authority or as an international responder, please provide your information in the GDACS Virtual OSOCC. The following emergencies are currently open.

Comoros: Flash Floods 27-Apr-2012 11:16

ReliefWeb Situation Reports

More content on ongoing disasters on ReliefWeb.

Mali: Bulletin humanitaire : Afrique de l?Ouest et du Centre - mai 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 20:44:01 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Gambia (the), Guinea, Mauritania, Niger (the), Senegal, Togo

Faits Saillants

  • Au Sahel, les perspectives s?assombrissent encore, le nombre de personnes affectees augmentent et les besoins aussi.
  • La crise au Mali provoquent toujours plus de deplaces et la question de l?acces humanitaire dans le nord reste incertaine.
  • La saison de la meningite approche de sa fin et la situation revient lentement a la normale au Burkina Faso et dans les pays voisins
Somalia: Somalia Humanitarian Bulletin: Issue 07, 16 May 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 17:49:18 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Somalia


  • 77 cholera cases confirmed in Balcad
  • 1.2 million people reached with hygiene promotion activities since January
  • Incidence of malnutrition fall in Mogadishu
Sudan (the): Sudan Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin, 7-13 May 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 17:44:15 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Sudan (the), Ethiopia, South Sudan (Republic of)

Key Points

? On 7 May, a Presidential decree announced a state of emergency in an additional three localities in South Kordofan, Al Salam, Al Dibab and Heiban.
? In South Kordofan, the Sudanese Red Crescent Society (SRCS) reports the return of some 12,000 displaced people from El Leri back to Talodi town. WFP has so far distributed 200 metric tonnes of food in South Kordofan, out of a total of 520 metric tonnes that it plans to distribute in May, to some 31,000 people in eight locations.
? The Khartoum to Juba airlift operation of returnees stranded at the Kosti way-station, organized by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is underway.
? In Khartoum State, there have been more reports of alleged abductions of people of South Sudanese origin by Nuer (South Sudanese) militia groups.
? In Abyei, the South Sudan Police Services (SSPS) completed its withdrawal from the Abyei area to Warrap State in South Sudan.
? In South Darfur, there was reportedly heavy fighting when the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) and Sudan Liberation Army ? Minni Minawi (SLA-MM) forces attacked a Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) base in Gereida town, Gereida hosts the largest camp for displaced people in South Darfur, with some 130,000 people. No displacement from the town was reported as a result of the fighting. In West Darfur, the World Food Programme has reduced its May food distributions due to logistical problems.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (the): Bulletin d'Information Humanitaire - Province du Nord Kivu N? 17/12, 16 mai 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 17:30:44 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Democratic Republic of the Congo (the)

Faits saillants

? Des affrontements entre les FARDC et ex-CNDP continuent de provoquer des deplacements de population dans les Territoires de Rutshuru et de Masisi.
? Plus de 9 300 personnes deplacees enregistrees dans les sites spontanes a Mugunga I et III, dans la peripherie de Goma.
? Territoire de Luofu : Des enfants malnutris ne sont pas pris en charge par manque d?intrants nutritionnels.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (the): Situation humanitaire en Republique Democratique du Congo - Note d?information hebdomadaire a la presse, 16 mai 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 13:33:56 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Democratic Republic of the Congo (the)

Le Coordonnateur de l?action humanitaire appelle les belligerants a garantir un acces illimite aux personnes vulnerables

? Le Coordonnateur de l?action humanitaire en RDC, M. Fidele Sarassoro a termine le 11 mai dernier une visite de cinq jours a l?est de la Republique Democratique du Congo (RDC), qui fait face a une aggravation de la crise humanitaire. La reprise des hostilites a l?est, particulierement dans les deux provinces du Kivu, a pousse des milliers de personnes a se deplacer et a mis en mal la capacite de la communaute humanitaire a pourvoir l?assistance pour sauver des vies. Au cours de cette visite, M. Sarassoro s?est entretenu avec des autorites provinciales, des acteurs humanitaires et quelques representants communautaires dans les Uele, et a visite des projets humanitaires finances a travers le Fonds commun (Pooled Fund). Au regard de la gravite de la crise et des difficultes qu?eprouvent les acteurs humanitaires pour atteindre les personnes vulnerables a cause de l?insecurite, le Coordonnateur humanitaire a lance un appel a toutes les parties impliquees dans le conflit pour garantir un acces illimite aux populations vulnerables, pour qu?on reponde a leurs besoins fondamentaux.

Epidemies en RDC : Plus de 125 cas de rougeole et plus de 100 nouveaux cas de cholera enregistres chaque jour en RDC.

? Depuis le debut de l?annee jusqu?a la premiere semaine de mai 2012, 15 841 cas de rougeole dont 268 deces ont ete enregistres dans 28 zones de sante en Republique Democratique du Congo (RDC), selon l?Organisation mondiale de la sante (OMS). L?agence onusienne et des partenaires du secteur de la sante preparent actuellement un plan de riposte en urgence dans les nouvelles zones de sante en epidemie et appellent au renforcement de la prise en charge dans les structures sanitaires. Ils plaident egalement pour la participation du Gouvernement congolais a 50% du financement des operations. En 2011, la rougeole avait touche plus de 134 000 personnes et occasionne plus 1 650 deces dans toutes les provinces du pays.

? Au 11 mai 2012, la RDC avait enregistre depuis le debut l?annee 13 994 cas de cholera dont 313 deces, selon les statistiques compilees par l?OMS et le Ministere de la sante. Ce nombre represente une moyenne de 106 nouveaux cas chaque jour avec 2,3 deces. Ce chiffre correspond aussi a 64,5% de l?ensemble de cas notifies en 2011. Le District de l?Ituri, dans la Province Orientale, qui n?avait rapporte que 205 cas en 2011 est aujourd?hui la zone la plus affectee avec 2 864 cas dont 90 deces depuis le debut de l?annee. La Province du Sud-Kivu arrive en deuxieme position avec 2 705 cas dont 16 deces.

La tendance du cholera est a la baisse dans les zones ou les interventions sont en cours mais de nouvelles zones de sante - jusque-la non affectees ? commencent a rapporter des cas. Ce qui rend difficile la lutte contre la maladie.

Protection des civils dans le Sud-Kivu : tueries, enlevements, pillages et incendies des maisons rapportes

? Depuis le debut du mois de mai, plus d?une cinquantaine de personnes dont des deplaces ont ete tuees par des presumees Forces democratiques de liberation du Rwanda (FDLR) dans le Territoire de Kalehe. Plusieurs maisons ont egalement ete incendiees. Les FDLR soupconnent les habitants de collaborer avec le groupe arme Raia Mutomboki. Le Territoire de Kalehe abrite 35% des 856 000 personnes deplacees au Sud-Kivu. Dans le Territoire de Shabunda, une quarantaine de personnes ont ete enlevees a l?est de Shabunda par des Mayi-Mayi avant d?etre relachees quatre jours plus tard tandis que, dans le Territoire de Fizi, une dizaine de personnes ont ete tuees par balle par des elements armes. En raison de l?insecurite, deux ONG internationales ont evacue leur personnel de Bunyakiri, dans le Territoire de Kalehe, ou un programme d?assistance etait en cours en faveur de 50 000 personnes vulnerables.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (the): Bulletin d'Information Humanitaire - Province du Sud-Kivu N? 20/12, 16 mai 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 09:07:19 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Democratic Republic of the Congo (the)

Points saillants :

  • Territoire de Kalehe : Plus de 50 personnes tuees depuis le debut de ce mois par des presumes FDLR.

  • 5 500 personnes deplacees sont arrivees a Minova depuis fin avril, les mouvements continuent.

  • Plus de 1 000 menages sinistres de Sange assistes en abirs et autres biens de premiere necessite.

See all 20 items...


See all maps produced by UNOSAT.

No content published since yesterday.

ReliefWeb Maps

More maps in ReliefWeb Map Centre.

Pakistan: Pakistan: Sindh & Balochistan - Who, What, Where - Child Protection Cluster as of 14 April 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 20:47:39 +0000

Child protection cluster is making interventions to protect children; affected from 2011 floods in Sindh and Balochistan.
A total of 36 humanitarian organizations have carried-out child protection activities in the affected area.

Country:  Pakistan
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Pakistan: Pakistan: Sindh and Balochistan - Health Cluster - 4W as of 14 April 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 20:24:03 +0000

Health cluster is providing assistance to the affected population of 2011 floods in Sindh and Balochistan.
A total of 178 humanitarian organizations have carried-out health activities in the affected area.

Country:  Pakistan
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Somalia: Mogadishu - Emergency Schools - SCC March 2012 Wed, 16 May 2012 20:04:09 +0000
Country:  Somalia
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
South Sudan (Republic of): Central Africa: Humanitarian presence in the LRA-affected region (as of 15 May 2012) Wed, 16 May 2012 15:49:38 +0000
Country:  South Sudan (Republic of), Central African Republic (the), Democratic Republic of the Congo (the)
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Kenya: Kenya: 100,000 people displaced and 65 killed by floods (as at 16 May 2012) Wed, 16 May 2012 15:28:41 +0000

Heavy rains have pounded many regions of Kenya, with floods and landslides impacting negatively on lives and livelihoods. The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), one of the key responders to the crisis, reports more than 100,000 people (14,955 households) displaced and many more affected by floods, while at least 65 people have lost their lives since March.
Widespread destruction of property and infrastructure has also resulted, as well as disruption of key activities such as farming and education.

According to KRCS, primary needs are in the domains of shelter, water, sanitation and health, and some external support is needed.
Worst affected areas of the country are Nyanza Province, parts of Rift Valley Province, parts of the greater Nairobi metropolitan area, and parts of Coast Province. The Kenya Meteorological Department says flooding has mainly resulted from several rivers bursting their banks, while landslides have resulted from saturation of soils. May typically marks the end of the ?Long Rains? season over most parts of the country except the western highlands, parts of central Rift Valley and the coastal strip.

Country:  Kenya
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Somalia: Somalia District Map - Middle Juba Region (as of 29 Feb 2012) Wed, 16 May 2012 14:59:50 +0000

Notes: Map in 3 pages, consists of Bu'aale, Saakow and Jilib District Map.

Country:  Somalia
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Somalia: Somalia District Map - Lower Shabelle Region (as of 29 Feb 2012) Wed, 16 May 2012 14:53:43 +0000

Notes: Map in 7 pages, Afgooye, Baraawe, Kurtunwaarey, Marka, Qoryooley, Sablaale and WanlaWeyne District Map.

Country:  Somalia
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Somalia: Somalia District Map - Lower Juba Region (as of 29 Feb 2012) Wed, 16 May 2012 14:43:18 +0000

Notes: Map in 4 pages, consists of Afmadow, Badhaadhe, Jamaame and Kismayo District Map.

Country:  Somalia
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Somalia: Somalia District Map - Hiran Region (as of 29 Feb 2012) Wed, 16 May 2012 14:38:09 +0000

Notes: Map in 3 pages, consists of BeletWeyne, BuloBurto and Jalalaqsi District Map.

Country:  Somalia
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Somalia: Somalia District Map - Gedo Region (as of 29 Feb 2012) Wed, 16 May 2012 14:34:39 +0000

Notes: Map in 6 pages, consists of Baardheere, BeletXaawo, Ceel-Waaq, Doolow, Garbahaarey, and Luuq District Map.

Country:  Somalia
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Georgia: Georgia: Flash Floods and Landslides (as of 16 May 2012) Wed, 16 May 2012 14:20:55 +0000
Country:  Georgia
Source:  IFRC

You receive this newsletter because you subscribed on GDACS. To change your notification settings, please log in at http://register.gdacs.org. The information of GDACS is provided by the following partners: European Commission JRC, United Nations OCHA, Dartmouth Flood Observatory, Pacific Disaster Centre, USGS National Earthquake Information Centre, European Mediterranean Seismological Centre, Global Volcanism Program and UNOSAT.

Created on 5/17/2012 8:05:11 AM.


