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GDACS Daily Newsletter for 3/20/2012


Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System — Newsletter 20/03/2012

This daily newsletter provides an overview of the natural disasters that happened in the last 24 hours and response measures for ongoing disasters. GDACS currently covers earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical cyclones, volcanic eruptions and floods. The color coding (red, orange, green) is related to the estimated humanitarian impact of the event.


Disaster events in the last 24 hours

GDACS detected the following potential disasters. For up-to-date media coverage, latest maps and ReliefWeb content related to these disasters, please go to GDACS homepage.


Discussions in Virtual OSOCC

The GDACS Virtual OSOCC is a forum for emergency managers. If you are involved in an ongoing emergency as a local emergency management authority or as an international responder, please provide your information in the GDACS Virtual OSOCC. The following emergencies are currently open.

Ammunition Depot Explosions - Congo 5-Mar-2012 14:11

ReliefWeb Situation Reports

More content on ongoing disasters on ReliefWeb.

Cote d'Ivoire: Bulletin Humanitaire N?09, 19 mars 2012 Mon, 19 Mar 2012 19:16:51 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Cote d'Ivoire


  • 11,242 Personnes deplacees internes (PDI) vivent sur 24 sites dans deux regions de la Cote d?Ivoire: Lagunes et Moyen Cavally.

  • Nomination d?un nouveau Premier Ministre et du nouveau Gouvernement a la suite de la demission les 13 et 14 mars par le President Alassane Ouattara.

  • Visite des Ambassadeurs des pays Arabes a l?ouest de la Cote d?Ivoire le 16 mars

Congo (the): Explosion de Mpila / Brazzaville Rapport de Situation No. 4 - 17 mars 2012 Mon, 19 Mar 2012 18:58:45 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Congo (the)


  • Les Partenaires humanitaires ont tenu une reunion pour aborder les questions relatives au renforcement de la coordination humanitaire, la verification du profil des populations, l?etat des besoins, la gestion des stocks, la duree de la periode d?urgence, planification des etapes suivantes ainsi que la mise en place du dispositif pour les echanges d?informations et la strategie de communication.

  • Les pays membres de l?Union Europeenne ont donne une conference de presse au cours de laquelle ils ont fait le point notamment sur leur contribution multiforme a la reponse humanitaire, y compris l?assistance au deminage, les questions relatives a l?etat des besoins et insiste sur les lecons a tirer pour ameliorer la gestion des armements a l?avenir.

  • Le Coordonnateur humanitaire a rencontre le Ministre d?Etat-Directeur de Cabinet du President de la Republique, avec lequel il ont aborde les thematiques plurielles portant sur les mesures prises pour renforcer la coordination de l?assistance aux populations ainsi que les prochaines etapes pour ameliorer les conditions de vie des personnes sinistrees.

  • Plus de 1,5 tonnes de restes d?engins non exploses (UXO) ont deja ete ramasses depuis le debut des operations selon le Centre de coordination de la lutte anti-mines des Nations Unies (UNMACC).

  • Plus de 22 000 eleves de l?Enseignement public sont victimes de la perturbation des dispositifs scolaires dont 1 300 vivent dans des sites des sinistres selon les sources gouvernementales.

  • Une delegation du cadre de concertation des acteurs humanitaires, conduite par le Coordonnateur humanitaire des Nations Unies, a discute du renforcement de la coordination des operations avec la partie Madame la Ministre des ASAHS le Samedi 17 Mars tout en continuant a travailler etroitement avec toutes les parties prenantes impliquees dans le processus de fourniture de la reponse humanitaire.

  • Des efforts de la Societe nationale de distribution d?eau (SNDE) et de la communaute humanitaire ont ameliore l?acces a l?eau, hygiene et assainissement dans des sites d?accueil des sinistres.

  • Au 15 mars, 246 personnes victimes des explosions du 04 mars etaient encore admises dans des hopitaux de Brazzaville dont 14 en attente des interventions chirurgicales, selon l?OMS.
    Fin de l'evaluation rapide multisectorielle des besoins dans les 11 sites de regroupements de sinitres ainsi que dans les quartiers se situant dans le perimetre immediat des lieux des explosions

Ethiopia: Humanitarian Bulletin - Weekly Humanitarian Highlights in Ethiopia, 19 March 2012 Mon, 19 Mar 2012 13:50:52 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan (Republic of), Sudan (the)

Refugee Update

Up to 15,000 people from the Lou Nuer community have crossed into Ethiopia?s western Gambella Region since mid-February 2012. The new arrivals ? most of whom are women, children and elderly ? have settled near the border town of Matar and are living in makeshift shelters. Local communities have been sharing existing food and water stocks and other public facilities with the new arrivals, but the influx has stretched water and sanitation facilities beyond their capacity. UNHCR is working with the government refugee agency, ARRA, to establish a transit centre near Matar and to expedite the screening, registration and relocation of individuals verified as refugees to Fugnido camp. As of 13 March, about 1,300 people had been transferred to Fugnido. Fugnido camp was opened in 1993 in response to previous influxes of refugees from Sudan and is home to an existing population of some 23,000 refugees, most of whom would now be Southern Sudanese. UNHCR has started distribution of non-food items (NFIs), including tents, plastic sheets, blankets, kitchen sets and jerry cans to the new arrivals in Fugnido from its stockpile in Gambella, while ARRA and WFP are providing food assistance. WFP is also working with Government counterparts to extend food assistance in Gambella Region to cover the already-vulnerable host community. UNHCR and ARRA are also working to prepare for possible additional influxes of refugees in the future. For more information, contact: gegziabk@unhcr.org or prokopch@unhcr.org


See all maps produced by UNOSAT.

No content published since yesterday.

ReliefWeb Maps

More maps in ReliefWeb Map Centre.

Algeria: Algeria: Wilaya d'El Tarf, Gaaret El Makada - Dynamique des inondations (observations les 28 et 29 fevrier 2012) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 21:42:42 +0000
Country:  Algeria
Source:  International Charter
Philippines (the): Philippines (Iligan City: TS Washi (Sendong)) On-going/Completed 3W Who-does What Where (as of 09 March 2012) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 20:52:08 +0000
Country:  Philippines (the)
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Philippines (the): Philippines (Cagayan de Oro: TS Washi (Sendong)): On-going/Completed 3W Who-does What Where (as of 9 March 2012) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 20:29:25 +0000
Country:  Philippines (the)
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Philippines (the): Philippines TS Washi (Sendong)- Evacuation Centres,Transitory Sites and Relocation Sites, Cagayan De Oro (as of 12 March 2012) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 20:19:16 +0000
Country:  Philippines (the)
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Philippines (the): Philippines TS Washi (Sendong)- Evacuation Centres,Transitory Sites and Relocation Sites, Cagayan De Oro (as of 12 March 2012) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 20:19:16 +0000
Country:  Philippines (the)
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
occupied Palestinian territory: occupied Palestinian territory: Settlements? Spatial Control - Eli-Shilo Settlement Block (as of March 2012) (EN/AR) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 19:48:42 +0000
Country:  occupied Palestinian territory
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
occupied Palestinian territory: occupied Palestinian territory: Palestinian Springs Affected by Settler Activities - March 2012 (EN/AR) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 19:19:41 +0000
Country:  occupied Palestinian territory
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Syrian Arab Republic (the): Situation Map: Syria Uprising Update 9 (as of 12 Mar 2012) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 15:50:26 +0000

This map presents a situational update of reported protests and violent clashes in cities and towns across the Syrian Arab Republic as reported between 12 and 18 March 2012, related to the flare-up of violence and the presence of Arab League observers. Also depicted are the cumulative numbers of reported deaths since March 2011 aggregated by Governorate, and Syrian refugee camps that have been opened along the border in Turkey and Lebanon. Further, the spatial distribution of the dominant ethnic/religious communities in the country has been included as background context to the larger social and political uprising occurring within the country. Event locations and figures presented in this map are based exclusively on a number of open reporting sources since the beginning of the uprising in March 2011 and have not been verified on the ground. It is possible that not all incident locations have been depicted. Please send feedback to UNITAR/UNOSAT.

Country:  Syrian Arab Republic (the)
Source:  UN Institute for Training and Research, UNOSAT
Congo (the): Situation Update: Regiment Blinde Munitions Explosion, Mpila, Brazzaville, Congo (as of 19 Mar 2012) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:56:48 +0000

This map illustrates the satellite-detected area affected by the Regiment Blinde Munitions explosion on 04 March 2012. Using a satellite image from 15 March 2012 a Primary Blast Zone with a diameter of 1.5 kilometers around the munitions storage facility was analyzed. Within this zone 1,558 buildings unobscured by clouds were examined, of which 62% were clearly identified as destroyed, 9% had severe damage visible, and 29% indicated no damage visible in the imagery. Cloudy conditions resulted in a total of 966 buildings being obscured, many of which are likely to destroyed or severely damaged. Additionally, a total of 152 destroyed or damaged buildings are visible around the periphery of the Primary Blast Zone. This map also includes the designated No-Go zone in the blast area. This is a preliminary analysis & has not yet been validated in the field. Please send ground feedback to UNITAR / UNOSAT.

Country:  Congo (the)
Source:  UN Institute for Training and Research, UNOSAT
Guatemala: Guatemala: Mapa de Temperaturas Minimas - 16 de Marzo 2012 8:00 am Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:48:31 +0000
Country:  Guatemala
Source:  Government of Guatemala
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: CAP 2011 Snapshots (as of 15 November 2011) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:39:30 +0000
Country:  Zimbabwe
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: CAP 2012 at a Glance (as of 15 November 2011) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:33:09 +0000
Country:  Zimbabwe
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: Food Security - Snapshots (as of 19 December 2011) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:24:50 +0000
Country:  Zimbabwe
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: Health Priorities - Snapshots (as of 23 February 2012) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:22:21 +0000
Country:  Zimbabwe
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: WASH Priorities - Snapshots (as of 8 December 2011) Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:18:34 +0000
Country:  Zimbabwe
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

You receive this newsletter because you subscribed on GDACS. To change your notification settings, please log in at http://register.gdacs.org. The information of GDACS is provided by the following partners: European Commission JRC, United Nations OCHA, Dartmouth Flood Observatory, Pacific Disaster Centre, USGS National Earthquake Information Centre, European Mediterranean Seismological Centre, Global Volcanism Program and UNOSAT.

Created on 3/20/2012 8:03:33 AM.


