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GDACS Daily Newsletter for 12/30/2011

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Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System — Newsletter 12/30/2011

This daily newsletter provides an overview of the natural disasters that happened in the last 24 hours and response measures for ongoing disasters. GDACS currently covers earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical cyclones, volcanic eruptions and floods. The color coding (red, orange, green) is related to the estimated humanitarian impact of the event.

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Disaster events in the last 24 hours

GDACS detected the following potential disasters. For up-to-date media coverage, latest maps and ReliefWeb content related to these disasters, please go to GDACS homepage.

Current tropical cyclones (source JRC and Pacific Disaster Center)


Automatic impact report (JRC)
capTHANE-11 in NorthIndian
PDC—30 Dec 2011new


Tropical Cyclone THANE-11 of Saffir-Simpson Category 1 affected 17.2 million people with winds above 39mph (63 km/h) and few people with hurricane wind strengths (74mph or 119 km/h). In addition, few people are living in coastal areas below 5m and can therefore be affected by storm surge.


Automatic impact report (JRC)
capFOUR-11 in SEIndian
PDC—29 Dec 2011new


Tropical Cyclone FOUR-11 of Saffir-Simpson Category 2 affected few people with winds above 39mph (63 km/h) and few people with hurricane wind strengths (74mph or 119 km/h). In addition, few people are living in coastal areas below 5m and can therefore be affected by storm surge.

Discussions in Virtual OSOCC

The GDACS Virtual OSOCC is a forum for emergency managers. If you are involved in an ongoing emergency as a local emergency management authority or as an international responder, please provide your information in the GDACS Virtual OSOCC. The following emergencies are currently open.

Earthquake in the Van Province, Turkey 23-Oct-2011 14:21
Central America region - floods 20-Oct-2011 19:17
Nicaragua - floods 18-Oct-2011 23:45
Southeast Asia: Flooding 13-Oct-2011 16:45

ReliefWeb Situation Reports

More content on ongoing disasters on ReliefWeb.

Somalia: Famine & Drought Situation Report No. 28 Fri, 30 Dec 2011 00:09:59 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Somalia

This report is produced by OCHA Somalia in collaboration with humanitarian partners. It was issued by OCHA in New York. It covers the period from 21 December to 28 December 2011. The next report will be issued on 4 January 2012.


  • Three aid workers on a monitoring mission in Mataban, Hiran province died when a gunman opened fire on 23 December.

  • Impassable roads due to the recent rains and insecurity affected the delivery of seed for planting, resulting in 113 metric tonnes of seed not being delivered in time for the current planting season.

  • On 20 December, Djibouti became the third country to send troops to join AMISOM.

Uganda: Kaabong Drought Bulletin November 2011 Thu, 29 Dec 2011 20:26:25 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Uganda

County, Lokanayona, Lodiko and Toroi of Loyoro Sub County, Kasimeri of Sidok Sub County, Lolelia of Lolelia Sub County and Lokolia of Kaabong Sub County.

November received above normal rains. The FAO assessment draft report revealed that excess rainfall during the harvest period interfered with the harvesting of sorghum/pearl millet.There was minimal yellowing and shedding of leaves among Desert dates and Neem. Mushrooms and mosses? appearance should have been sparked off by the rains. The prediction from the Meteorological Department mentioned that December will likely receive normal (45% of chance) to below normal (35%) rainfall.

The livestock body condition remained constant at 90% because nutritious/salty pastures and water were still available. There was no livestock migration reported. The time spent by livestock to access grazing areas remained constant (1 hour) because most livestock were still at the same locations. The calves? mortality and abortion rates could not be ascertained but the Veterinary Office reports that both should have decreased from to 4% due to ECF effects. Livestock diseases show some decrease as a result of some on going treatment within the district, these disease included ;Trypanasomiais, Anaplasmosis, East Cost Fever, Foot rot, Worms, Ticks and Mange with no incidences of CCPP and CBPP reported. No animals were brought to the markets but a few goats and cattle were sourced locally for slaughter purposes.

Borehole usage as the main water source decreased from 96% to 65% due to the high breakage rate during the month. The quantity of water fetched at households decreased from 114.1L to 89.5L (16.3L to 12.8L/person/day)which is still below the recommended threshold of 15L/person/day and this is attributed to the drying up of rain fed sources, breakage of boreholes and queuing at boreholes. The time spent to fetch water from boreholes increased from 1.2 to 1.6 hours due to mostly long queuing and sharing of boreholes with Livestock.

Mainly Cowpeas were planted during the month while threshing and harvesting of Sorghum, Bull rush and Sunflower was still ongoing. Charcoal prices remained constant at 5,000 UGX per basin due to the festive season?s demand while firewood prices could not be ascertained. The Terms of Trade for Bull/Sorghum and Charcoal/Sorghum increased while Labor/Sorghum remained constant due to reduced Sorghum prices.This implies that the Pastoralist and Charcoal selling communities are in position to purchase unit of food from the unit sale of their proceed. Households consumed mainly Maize, Sorghum and Pumpkins accompanied by Wild fruits/leaves/game, Meat, Beans and Cowpeas as a result of the on going harvests. Due to reduced food stocks among some households that had not harvested, coping strategies like borrowing food on credit from another household, reducing number of meals per day, rely on gifts of food, begging for food, consume less expensive cereals and relying on hunting for food were reported.

Households freely moved during day with 99% of households not moving freely at night due to continuous threats of insecurity and thieves across the district.

Colombia: Fichas de analisis de brechas: Caucasia y Nechi (Antioquia), Segunda Temporada Invernal 2011 Thu, 29 Dec 2011 16:45:25 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Colombia

Actualizacion de la situacion:

Los niveles de la parte baja del rio Cauca se han mantenido en niveles superiores al promedio desde agosto de 2010. Desde entonces, alrededor de 6 mil personas han perdido sus viviendas, enseres y cultivos y han visto severamente afectadas sus actividades de sustento. Ademas, desde octubre de 2011, los niveles del rio se incrementaron i hasta en un 300 %, lo que ha generado la inundacion de zonas urbanas y rurales. Las perdidas en cultivos y hectareas no han sido calculadas aun. Sin embargo, se ha podido establecer que hay baja produccion de comida , y perdida de generacion de ingreso, como consecuencia de la suspension de las actividades economicas principales en la zona.

Doble afectacion:

La zona del Bajo Cauca ha sido identificada por el Equipo Humanitario Local de Antioquia como zona prioritaria, por los continuos desplazamientos, por la confrontacion armada entre grupos armados no estatales, la existencia de cultivos de coca, industrias extractivas que se desarrollan principalmente en estos dos municipios. Estos municipios son el centro de operaciones del Centro de Coordinacion y Accion Integral (CCAI) en la estrategia que adelanta EL Gobierno Nacional para consolidar zonas donde aun persiste el conflicto y la confrontacion armada.
Retos Humanitarios principales:

Identificar necesidades humanitarias y brechas en la respuesta humanitaria en las zonas afectadas por la creciente del rio Cauca.
Desagregar los censos de personas afectadas por grupo etario, genero, discapacidad y pertenencia etnica.
Las necesidades humanitarias mas urgentes son agua segura e intervenciones de generacion de ingresos que complementen el sustenten o alternativas para el sustento.

Colombia: Ficha de analisis de brechas: Ayapel (Cordoba), segunda temporada invernal 2011 Thu, 29 Dec 2011 16:38:34 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Colombia

Actualizacion de la situacion:

Desde julio de 2010 se encuentra inundado aproximadamente el 86% de este municipio, por la ruptura del ?jarillon? en la parte baja del rio Cauca a la altura del municipio de Nechi (Antioquia), que a la fecha no ha sido reparado.

Las personas afectadas no han retornado y se encuentran ubicadas en casas de familiares y amigos y en los sitios habilitados como albergues (bodegas del Idema y un lote del municipio) que no cuentan con las condiciones minimas de habitabilidad.

Al 24 de noviembre ninguna familia habia retornado.
Retos humanitarios principales:

  • Garantizar la atencion humanitaria durante el periodo de las inundaciones, que se podrian extender de seis meses a un ano.
  • Adecuar los albergues en el casco urbano.
  • Garantizar asistencia en salud para responder a la emergencia causada por las inundaciones (atencion diferenciada y apoyo psicosocial, apoyo en las ambulancias fluviales).
  • Implementar estrategias de recuperacion temprana ya que el municipio ha estado inundado durante 18 meses y se espera este inundado entre seis y doce meses mas.
Sudan (the): Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin 19 ? 25 December 2011 Thu, 29 Dec 2011 13:54:55 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Sudan (the), South Sudan (Republic of)

Key Points

? People in South Kordofan State continue to be affected by ongoing fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and forces of the Sudan People?s Liberation Movement ? North (SPLM-N). The humanitarian community in Sudan are concerned about reports of declining food security and growing health concerns in SPLM-N held areas.

? According to media reports on 25 December, fighting between SAF and the armed Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) in the west of Northern Kordofan State have reportedly resulted in the leader of JEM being killed.

? Due to government reports of large convoys of non-state armed actors moving through South Darfur to South Sudan and to North Kordofan, humanitarian actors have limited their movements in some areas, particularly along the Nyala ? Ed Daein road and in Bahr el Arab area in the state?s southwest.

? The Ministry of Agriculture reports that the agricultural harvest in Blue Nile State will be roughly 60% of normal yields due to fighting.

? On 19 December, 11 barges departed from Kosti in Sudan to Juba, South Sudan, carrying 2,822 people.

Kenya: Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin, 29 December 2011 Thu, 29 Dec 2011 12:50:26 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Kenya


? Security incidents in north-eastern Kenya affect refugee and other operations.

? Malnutrition rates decrease in Turkana but remain high in Mandera.

? Floods affect more than 80,000 people across Kenya and undermine food security recovery.

? Government, United Nations and partners seek US$764 million to tackle emergency and resilience efforts in 2012.

Niger (the): Bulletin d?Information Humanitaire - Periode du 20 au 27 decembre 2011 Thu, 29 Dec 2011 11:14:39 +0000
Source:  UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Country:  Niger (the)

Faits majeurs:

  1. Faute de mil, les villageois de Mogheur (Tahoua) se contenteraient de son P.3

  2. La recuperation des terres se feminise a Tahoua ; les hommes repartiraient a l?etranger P.3

  3. Les contributions au CAP Niger 2012 progressent de 3 a 7% P.6

See all 20 items...


See all maps produced by UNOSAT.

No content published since yesterday.

ReliefWeb Maps

More maps in ReliefWeb Map Centre.

Yemen: USG Humanitarian Assistance to Yemen (as of 28 Dec 2011) Thu, 29 Dec 2011 10:44:28 +0000
Country:  Yemen
Source:  US Agency for International Development
United Republic of Tanzania (the): Climate Prediction Center?s Africa Hazards Outlook For USAID / FEWS-NET - December 29, 2011 ? January 4, 2012 Thu, 29 Dec 2011 10:16:32 +0000

Note: Map in 2 pages

Country:  United Republic of Tanzania (the), Angola, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Somalia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Source:  Famine Early Warning System Network, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Agency for International Development

You receive this newsletter because you subscribed on GDACS. To change your notification settings, please log in at http://register.gdacs.org. The information of GDACS is provided by the following partners: European Commission JRC, United Nations OCHA, Dartmouth Flood Observatory, Pacific Disaster Centre, USGS National Earthquake Information Centre, European Mediterranean Seismological Centre, Global Volcanism Program and UNOSAT.

Created on 12/30/2011 8:01:09 AM.


